Preparation of BBMRI-ERIC Application
The preparation of BBMRI-ERIC application and establishment of the preparatory (governance) structure described in the Memorandum of Understanding signed by currently 13 countries is under the responsibility of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Science and Research. Countries and intergovernmental organisations wishing to join BBMRI-ERIC should contact:
Dr Hemma Bauer
Austrian Federal Ministry of Science and Research
Division II/3 - Unit of Life Sciences
Rosengasse 2-6/ Ro. 314
A-1010 Vienna, Austria
Phone: +43-1-53120-6213
Fax: +43-1-53120-816213
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Web: www.bmwf.gv.at and www.gen-au.at
In scientific matters the coordinator of the preparatory phase, professor Kurt Zatloukal, and preparatory phase coordination office in Graz, Austria and executive management in Turku, Finland will respond to messages sent to:
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or can be contacted at:
BBMRI-PP Coordinator
Kurt Zatloukal, M.D.
Institute of Pathology
Medical University of Graz
Auenbruggerplatz 25
A-80 36 Graz, Austria
Phone: +43 316 380 4404
Email: kurt.zatloukal(o)medunigraz.at
BBMRI-PP Coordination Office
Michaela Theresia Mayrhofer, PhD
Phone: +43-316-380-7656
Mobile: +43-664-88412054
Fax +43-316-384-329
Email: michaela.mayrhofer(o)medunigraz.at
BBMRI-PP Executive Manager, Chair of the Steering Committee
Eero Vuorio, Director
Biocenter Finland
P.O. Box 56 (street address: Viikinkaari 4, Cultivator 2)
FI-000014 University of Helsinki, Finland
Phone: +358 50 415 65 95
Email: eero.vuorio(a)helsinki.fi
BBMRI-PP Executive Management Office
Docent Heli Salminen-Mankonen, Ph.D.
Tel: +358 2 333 8566
Email: heli.salminen(o)utu.fi