Jan-Eric Litton appointed to Director General BBMRI-ERIC

Jan-Eric Litton is Professor of Biomedical Computing Technology at the Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden.  Litton is Executive Director and head of one of the largest medical infrastructure in Sweden – BBMRI.se (The Biobanking and Molecular Resource Infrastructure of Sweden), www.bbmri.se. He also coordinates the Nordic BBMRI (Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Island, Faroe Island and Estonia).  Jan-Eric Litton is renowned for his expertise in biobanking and leadership in large-scale projects.  He is also heading the development of e-epidemiology by using Internet, cell-phones, digital paper and digital TV for collecting epidemiology data. Jan-Eric Litton is involved in 8 large EU project in medicine, including the: BiobankCloud – Scalable, Secure Storage of Biobank Data.

He was one of the driving forces in the EU project GenomEUtwin where an infrastructure was built to link information between the 600 000 twins in seven European countries and Australia between 2002-2007. He led an infrastructure group in the ‘EU Coordination Action; Harmonising population-based biobanks and cohort studies to Strengthen the foundation of European biomedical science in the post-genome era" 2006, and has been involved in P3G since 2004, he led IWG2 (Information Curation and Information Technology) in P3G during 2004-2008. He was the co-director for the Swedish LifeGene initiative (www.lifegene.se), a prospective cohort based biobank until 2010.  Since 2012 Litton is a part of the e-science initiative in Sweden with a yearly budget from the Swedish government – www.e-science.se.

Jan-Eric Litton has also made major contributions to the current knowledge in Positron Emission Tomography (PET) and was one of the first researchers showing receptor binding with PET technique.  He did is post doc at The Research Medicine Department of Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory and Donner Laboratory of the University of California, USA, 1986-1987. Litton has been giving more than 25 invited keynote lecture last six years.

last update: 2013/10/11


BBMRI-ERIC application submitted: Founding Members & Observer Countries

The BBMRI-ERIC application has been submitted to the EC on Friday, June 7th, 2013. The application will be further discussed during the next ERIC Committee Meeting on June 21st, 2013. The final approval by the EC is expected to take place in autumn 2013.

Founding members: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Malta, the Netherlands, Sweden

Observer countries: Switzerland, Norway, Poland, Turkey

last update: 2013/10/14