Workpackage 7

Funding and Financing

The increasingly large number of biobanks that now exists provides a sound and pertinent infrastructural underpinning for a growing range of clinical research and genome epidemiology studies. However, biobanks are expensive to set up and maintain for long term studies. Lack of sustainable funding has been identified as a major bottleneck in establishing long-term operation of resource centres for life sciences. The WP will explore and summarize the current structural and operational funding of biobanks and biomolecular resources in different European countries. The information collected will be used as the starting point for discussion among different key players on the development of long-term funding concepts, which consider the whole spectrum of funding schemes including national, European and private funding organizations as well as financing solutions provided by the EIB.

  • Structural funds

    Note: please click on following icon (see below) in the first page of the pdf in order to access directly to you country or region.

    The present document summarises the main principles and opportunities offered by structural funds. It aggregates information taken from the European Commision (EC) website, and the presentation given by Jean-Emmanuel Faure at the BBMRI WP1/WP7 meeting in Den Haag the 26th of June 09'.

    The regional policy programmes were defined by member states and priorities were set by national and regional authorities for either the period in effect 2007-2013 or for previous periods 2000-2006 and 1994-1999.

    Structural funds do constitute an opportunity to fund biobanks. However, this opportunity needs to be explored in detail. This document is meant to help you in this assessment by providing broad guidelines and appropriate contact details (managing authority).

    This document is not specific for biobanks, we have used a bold font to indicate possible funding streams for these infrastructures. Funds and programms are classified by countries and regions listed according to different objectives defined by the EC. You still need to check for the relevance of the fund or program in regard to Biobanking related activities and contact your managing authority for further information.



Georges DAGHER
Email: georges.dagher(o)
Cc: pierre.pommereau(o)
T : +33 1 44236357
F :


Jeanette RIDDER
Email : j.w.a.ridder(o)
T : +31793236255


Christian BRECHOT
Merieux Alliance
E-mail: christian.brechot(o)
Cc: marie-helene.brinjean(o)
Phone: 00334.
Fax: 00334.