Management and coordination
WP1 will establish an executive management team consisting of the coordinator who will chair the executive management team, the associate coordinator who is responsible for coordinating all operation-related issues, the leader of WP7 (Funding and Financing), and an experienced full-time manager as executive manager.
Specific responsibilities of the management team are:
- Project management
- Communication with European Commission
- Public relations
- Development of operational concept
- Development of implementation plan
- Preparation of contracts
- Global integration
Kurt ZATLOUKAL Medical University of Graz
E-mail: kurt.zatloukal(o)
Cc: christina.andracher(o)
T: +43 316 380 4404 (Personal), +43 316 380 7652 (Office Management)
Mobile: +43 664 15 33 264
F: +43 316 384329
cc: michaela.mayrhofer(o)
Office: +43 316 380 76 56
Mobile: +43-664-88 41 20 54
Martin YUILLE University of Manchester
E-mail: Martin.Yuille(o)
Cc: hilary.corless(o)
T: +441223 890362
Eero VUORIO University of Turku
E-mail: eero.vuorio(o) (Personal)
Mobile: +358-40-579 5760
Cc : heli.salminen(o)
T: +358 2 3338566
Mobile: +358 40 7192945
Markus PASTERK Chief Operating Officer
International Prevention Research Institute
T:+33 4 72171 181
+33 6 47154510