Workpackage 3  

Disease-oriented biobanks

The mission of WP3 is to foster collaboration, harmonizing and networking of disease-oriented biobanks (which also may be referred to as clinical biobanks). These can be used to discover or validate genetic and non-genetic risk factors, without having to wait for great lengths of time and spend large efforts on longitudinal, prospective collection. The objectives of this work package are (a) to develop a long-term, strategic vision of the role and place of disease-oriented biobanking at the interface between clinical practice and research; (b) to provide solutions for networking biobanks in a way that maximizes the opportunities for the discovery of new biomarkers and their validation and translation towards clinical applications; (c) to provide support for the development of a European framework facilitating harmonization of standards through certification and accreditation procedures.



Helmholtz Zentrum München
E-mail: wichmann(o)
Cc: simone.schuffenhauer(o)
T: +49 89 3187 4106
F: +49 89 3187-3380


Helmholtz Zentrum München
E-mail: meitinger(o)
Cc: simone.schuffenhauer(o)
T: +49 89 3187-3294
F: +49 89 3187 3297

BBMRI WP3 has conducted an inventory of clinical biobanks to create an overview of Europe's biobanking landscape and to identify biobanks interested to be part of the BBMRI infrastructure.

Disease-oriented biobanks (responsible is WP3):

BBMRI WP3 Reports of Expert Groups: Public Consultation

To get additional expertise and to involve a wider scientific community, expert groups have been established by WP3. Three expert meetings were held in parallel on December 17th and 18th, 2008 at the Helmholtz Zentrum München covering the topics pathology (chaired by Pierre Hainaut, IARC), laboratory medicine (chaired by Bill Ollier, UNIMAN) and rare diseases (chaired by Thomas Meitinger, HMGU).

BBMRI Report of Pathology Expert Work Group

The report of an expert work group on "Pathology and Biobanking" is available for comments. This report will eventually form the basis of a BBMRI publication with recommendations and guidelines on better integration of pathology in biobanking practice. A public consultation process is now open until May 1st 2009. Comments and remarks should be submitted by mail at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it with precise reference to the number of the paragraph of the report to which the comment pertains. Alternatively, comments may be introduced in the document using the "track change" tool of MS Word.

At the close of the consultation process, members of the expert group will review the comments and will take them into consideration in writing up the final recommendations.

Pathology and Biobanking (report)

BBMRI Report of Laboratory Medicine Expert Work Group

The report of an expert work group of WP3 on "Laboratory medicine" is available for comments. A public consultation process is now open until July 1st 2009. Comments and remarks should be submitted to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Laboratory medicine (report)

BBMRI Report of Rare Diseases Expert Work Group

The report of an expert work group of WP3 on "Laboratory medicine" is available for comments. A public consultation process is now open until July 1st 2009. Comments and remarks should be submitted to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Rare diseases (report)