Scientific and Ethical Advisory Board

Scientific Advisory Board consists of global leaders of the scientific community, from industry and the fields of ethical, legal and societal issues. It ensures scientific excellence as well as compliance with the needs of industry and society. Since SEAB members will mainly come from non-European countries, the board will also provide guidance for proper global integration of BBMRI. Another important aspect is that the board members who are international leaders in the fields of ethics will act as an independent body to provide guidance for ethical issues thereby complementing the expertise and work of the project participants of WP6.

The SEAB is expected to give guidance to BBMRI including through production of advisory statements that may contain both public and confidential evaluations of scientific, ethical, legal and societal issues related to the activities of BBMRI.


Leiden University Medical Center
E-mail: gjvo(o)
T: +31 71 526 9400
F: +31 715268275

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Members of the Scientific and Ethical Advisory Board:

  • Karima Boubekeur - Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd, CH
  • Jean-Jacques Cassiman - Eurogentest, BE
  • David R. Cox - Perlegen Sciences, USA
  • Mark J. Daly - Broad Institute, Harvard, MIT, USA
  • Bartha M. Knoppers - Université de Montréal, Centre for Public Law, CA
  • Klaus Lindpaintner - F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG, CH
  • Bela Melegh - University of Pecs, HU
  • Lyle J Palmer - University of Western Australia, AU
  • Howard Cann - The Centre d'Etude du Polymorphisme Humain (CEPH)
  • Yusuke Nakamura - The University of Tokyo